Home> Sciences Po, a three-star university for French as a Foreign Language

Sciences Po, a three-star university for French as a Foreign Language
Sciences Po has obtained for the second time the Label Qualité Français langue étrangère (Quality Label for French as a Foreign Language), attaining the maximum score of three stars. Sciences Po has been attributed this label for the quality of its teaching of French as a foreign language, the professionalism and commitment of the teachers and staff, and the conditions in which the students are taught.
1700 students of 95 nationalities are following courses of French as a foreign language (FLE)
With a student community composed of 47% internationals, Sciences Po attributes great importance to the teaching of French as a foreign language. The quality of its language teaching plays a significant role in the academic success of students and their integration into the Sciences Po community. At Sciences Po, more than 130 teachers give FLE courses, which attract more than 1700 students of 95 nationalities each year.
Each year during the months of June and July, the Summer School receives several hundred students from more than 50 different countries. Its French language track offers six levels of study, from beginner to the most advanced.
The FLE label: a guarantee of excellence
Awarded conjointly by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture, the Quality Label for French as a Foreign Language is a guarantee of excellence for institutions that promote the teaching of French abroad such as diplomatic and consular networks and the Campus France agency.
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