Home>Library Cats: Innovation for Mental Wellness

Library Cats: Innovation for Mental Wellness
[April Fool's Day] Numerous studies have shown that owning or interacting with a domestic cat significantly improves people's physical and moral well-being. Sciences Po has decided to allow its students to benefit from the presence of felines by creating dedicated "cat spaces" in the library of the institution. A project dedicated to the improvement of the work and study environment, which should be put into effect during the academic year. Dr. Katherine Felix, Psychiatrist and Learning Expert, testifies.
“We are very happy to launch this experimental project that we hope will highly benefit students, faculty and employees alike.” – Frédéric Mion, President of Sciences Po
A bit over a dozen felines from the SPA (French SPCA), vaccinated and duly selected for their social skills will be introduced in the experimental phase of the project, an interdisciplinary evaluation of the program called "Sciences Paws" conducted jointly with experts of the Forrcat research program.