Home>Leading the International Conversation on Climate Action With CARE Scholar Evelyn Mang


Leading the International Conversation on Climate Action With CARE Scholar Evelyn Mang

Every year, the CARE scholarship programme selects Canadian students to fund their studies on environmental and energy topics at Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA). The aim of this programme is developing cross-cultural collaboration between France and Canada and making a positive impact on the world through preparing the next climate-conscious global leaders.

Meet one of our 2024 scholars, Evelyn Mang, a student of the Master in Environmental Policy.

Who are you and why are you interested in environmental sustainability?

I’m Evelyn and I’m from Toronto, Canada. I have always been passionate about issues of injustice and am drawn to environmental sustainability as climate change is posed to amplify existing inequalities. I believe the climate crisis is the biggest collective challenge our generation will face, and we need as many forces pushing against it as possible. There is so much to be achieved in the climate sector yet the risk of taking inaction is colossal. I am optimistic because I see so many bright people taking it upon themselves to advocate for a healthy planet but of course, I’m also anxious about future impacts if warming trajectories do not take a bold turn for the better. I chose to pursue environmental sustainability to contribute to this mission of having a future everyone can look forward to.

What do you reckon are the main climate challenges, and potential solutions, to come?

I absolutely believe that avoiding the worst potential cases of climate change is possible, but only if people are motivated to work towards this future. I think the most important work to be done to combat climate change is in the political arena. One of the biggest barriers to tackling the climate crisis is resisting division and issues relating to the tragedy of the commons. Climate change will impact everyone across the globe in some way and the grave threat it poses requires international cooperation and unity. As young people are those who will be inheriting our planet, the world needs ambitious and passionate young people to lead the international conversation on climate action. 

How did you react when you learned you were a laureate of the CARE Scholarship Programme?

I was absolutely over the moon! The CARE scholarship programme is an incredible initiative to empower young aspiring climate leaders to pursue their passions. I couldn’t be happier to have this opportunity to study in Paris with amazing comrades and teachers. I have absolutely no regrets about taking this path and I feel so fulfilled with the opportunities I’m open to, here in Paris. 

What advice would you give to future students applying to this Programme?

Trust yourself and have the gumption to pursue every opportunity that opens itself to you. Whether it’s the CARE scholarship, volunteering, or networking, you’ll never regret opening new doors to learn more and make connections. I think it’s important to be confident and ambitious with taking opportunities that come your way because you never know how far they’ll lead you. Don’t let the fear of rejection stop you from taking a chance. It might only be one yes that will change your life! 

How has been your experience as a Sciences Po student so far?

It’s been incredibly enriching and welcoming. My professors at Sciences Po are very knowledgeable and helpful. My classmates are also so passionate about environmental sustainability and we are constantly teaching each other about new topics and phenomena. Although I’ve only been a Sciences Po student for a month, everyone on campus has been supportive of my goals and I feel set up for success as a student here. Overall, I would say my favourite part of Sciences Po so far is the environment of constantly learning among other peers who are also working towards a better future. The atmosphere on campus is very collaborative and supportive. 

Your hope for the future in a word?


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