Home>Hertie School and Sciences Po write letter to Hungarian President in #IstandwithCEU action

Hertie School and Sciences Po write letter to Hungarian President in #IstandwithCEU action
The Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and Sciences Po in Paris have written a letter to the Hungarian President expressing their strong opposition to legislation that would effectively shut down the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest.
Helmut Anheier, President of the Hertie School of Governance and Yann Algan, Dean of the School of Public Affairs at Sciences Po, urged Hungarian President Dr. János Áder not to sign the legislation, passed by the Hungarian Parliament on Wednesday 5 April.
"With faculty and students from around the world, and deep roots in Hungarian society and academic life, the university is a vital independent centre of knowledge and research in Central Europe and beyond," wrote Anheier and Algan. "As members of the academic community, we strongly urge you to consider our profound concerns and not to sign the legislation."
The new law would force the CEU, which has long been certified by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee, to open a campus in New York State by February 2018, imposing a crippling financial burden.
"By requiring foreign universities in Hungary to have a campus in their home country, the government led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán clearly aims to impair and disenfranchise CEU and limit freedoms essential for academic work," Anheier and Algan stated in their letter.
The two universities join institutions across the world in opposing the legislation.
Download a copy of the full text of the letter (Pdf, 218, 61 Ko)