Home>Angela Merkel at Sciences Po: Recap in 8 Pictures


Angela Merkel at Sciences Po: Recap in 8 Pictures

By awarding a doctorate honoris causa to Angela Merkel, Sciences Po is honouring a stateswoman with an exceptional career, and one of the most influential figures in the construction of post-Cold War Europe. Chancellor for over fifteen years, she has worked tirelessly to promote Franco-German friendship and international cooperation, and played a key role in the migration crisis of 2015. 

An evening to remember

On 27 June, 2023, Sciences Po communities and guests were invited to an unique event to award the title of doctor honoris causa to the German stateswoman. 70 members of the permanent faculty welcomed Angela Merkel, fully dressed in their academic robes. 50 students from the Nancy campus - European Union, Franco-German partnership minor - and 90 students from the CIVICA European Week were also present among the 700 guests. Mathias Vicherat, Sciences Po’s President, introduced the ceremony, Laurence Bertrand Dorléac, President of the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, pronounced the laudatio and Arancha Gonzàlez, Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), gave the final speech.

Dive back into the event by browsing the 8 pictures below:

Angela Merkel in front of the Emile Boutmy Lecture Hall audience.

Angela Merkel with members of Sciences Po’s permanent faculty

Mathias Vicherat: "Who better than you could embody the European ideal?"

Laurence Bertrand Dorléac: “Europe has more than ever a key role to play to face global transformations."

Angela Merkel: "What if the soul of Europe was diversity?"

Angela Merkel: "The soul of Europe is tolerance. It took us a long time to understand this."

Angela Merkel receiving her honorary doctorate.

Arancha Gonzàlez: "Our future can be summed up in three words inspired by you: compromise, resilience and values."

Angela Merkel in front of the Emile Boutmy Lecture Hall audience.

Angela Merkel with members of Sciences Po’s permanent faculty

    A commitment to both European values and Franco-German friendship

    Sciences Po, as a worldwide ranked university, is firmly dedicated to defending European values and the construction process. In their recent book Une Jeunesse Engagée (An Involved Youth), political scientists Martial Foucault and Anne Muxel highlighted that over 97% of Sciences Po’s students are in favour of the European project. Mathias Vicherat’s ambition is to place Europe at the core of the curriculum and research. Consequently, it is a major priority when recruiting professors and researchers as part of the ongoing reinforcement of our permanent faculty.

    Sciences Po is also a key player in Franco-German friendship. German students are the second most represented nationality among international students, numbering 708 in 2022-2023. Our institution has also partnered with 27 German universities and has three dual degree agreements with both Freie Universität Berlin and Hertie School. Cooperation between Sciences Po, as a world-class research university in social sciences, and Germany also takes the form of numerous research collaborations.

    The doctorates honoris causa at Sciences Po

    Thanks to a decree signed in 1974, Sciences Po is entitled to award the title of doctor honoris causa. This decree states that the title of honorary doctor is awarded by the president or the director of the university to foreign figures, for outstanding services to arts, literature, science and technology, to France or to the institution awarding the title. This distinction can be awarded after approval by the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, on the proposal of the competent councils of the establishment.

    Angela Merkel is the 28th public figure to receive an honorary doctorate from Sciences Po, preceded by Boutros Boutros Ghali (in 1993), Vàclav Havel (in 2009), Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, also known as Lula (in 2011), and, more recently, Elena Zhemkova from the Russian organisation Memorial, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2022. 

    Cover image caption: Angela Merkel receiving her doctorate honoris causa.