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Every year, the Collégiades Competition gathers students from the Sciences Po seven campuses for sporting and artistic competition. This year, the Nancy campus hosted the ...
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The opening ceremony of the COP21 simulation was held on 29 May 2015 at the Theatre Nanterre-Amandiers. “If you succeed in signing an agreement, I will use it as an example ...
Nathan Stewart is a Masters student at Sciences Po and a participant in the student simulation of the ...
The first official class of the Dual BA Programme between Columbia University and Sciences Po graduated on 18 May 2015 at the Columbia University ...
Professor Bruno Latour during the simulation of climate negotiations at the Theatre Nanterre-Amandiers.
Meet Zhiheng Png, a 2010 Sciences Po alumnus.
Seven months before the global climate conference taking place in Paris in December, 208 students from Sciences Po and other universities around the world will come together to ...
We met sociologist Jean-Louis Rocca on the publication of his new book, “A Sociology of Contemporary China”, Hurst & Co, first published in French in 2010, and largely ...
On 18 May 2015, Former Vice President of the United States Al Gore held a unique conference on climate at Sciences Po.
The Reims campus welcomes exchange students wishing to enhance their international profiles with one of four certificates: International Affairs & Strategy, Business & Economics ...
Al Gore gave a unique lecture on climate change on Monday 18 May 2015 at Sciences Po. Frédéric Mion, President of Sciences Po, and Jane D. Hartley, the US Ambassador to France, introduced this ...
Seven months before the global climate conference taking place in Paris, students from universities around the world will come ...
Each year, Sciences Po hosts more than 300 Chinese students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Jia Liu and He Zhang, students on the Le Havre campus, describe what ...
On 8 May 2015, the Priceline Group (,, announced the acquisition of PriceMatch, a leading cloud-based ...
On 7 May 2015, Sciences Po inaugurated the complete renovation of its Reims campus. The ceremony was held in presence of Frédéric Mion, President of Sciences Po and Jane ...
After studying at Sciences Po as an exchange student in the European Affairs Master programme, Sophie Hermanns applied for a PhD at the University of Cambridge ...
We met Sandine Revet on the release of her new book, “Governing Disasters. Beyond Risk Culture,” which she co-edited with Julien Langumier for Palgrave ...
Tina Rohner is a 2009 alumna from Sciences Po. She currently works for the Asian Development Bank and was selected as part of the highly competitive Young ...
On Wednesday 29 April 2015, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon held a conference at Sciences Po. From economic stagnation to mass migration, from violent extremism ...
From economic stagnation to mass migration, from violent extremism to climate change… The world faces multiple crises and challenges that no single country can solve alone. On ...
An interview with Mathieu Roquigny (photo), who won the Audience Award in the sixth annual Sciences Po Prize for Contemporary Art on Tuesday 22 April 2015. Each ...
Climate conferences fail due to their focus on consequences and not causes. With this in mind, Sciences Po and its partners in the Make it Work initiative decided to organise ...
With Ghassan Salamé, Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po (PSIA), leaving to pursue other endeavours at the end of the 2014-2015 academic year ...
Professor Fernández Arroyo, a professor at the Sciences Po Law School since 2010, is currently a visiting scholar at New York University. On the ...