Home>World Energy Outlook 2020

World Energy Outlook 2020
About this event
22 October 2020 from 19:00 until 20:30
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The annual World Energy Outlook (WEO) is the International Energy Agency’s flagship publication, used as a reference by both governments and the energy industry. This year’s edition of the World Energy Outlook will take a close look at the implications of the pandemic on the energy sector, exploring the actions needed to move towards a clean energy transition and a sustainable recovery.
A webinar with :
- Tim Gould, Head of the Energy Supply Division, International Energy Agency
- Coby van der Linde, director of the Clingendael International Energy Programme and Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs faculty member.
Chaired by Giacomo Luciani, Scientific Advisor, Master in International Energy, Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs.
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