Home>Who cares for the children? Gender and transnational families

Who cares for the children? Gender and transnational families
About this event
27 January 2020 from 18:00 until 20:00
A talk by Rhacel Salazar Parreñas, Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at University of Southern California.
Rhacel Parreñas will address the question of how gender constitutes and is constituted in transnational households. It draws from a two year ethnographic study on children raised from a distance in the Philippines by migrant parents across the diaspora.
While the talk empirically establishes the continued relegation of housework and childcare to women, including in the household of migrant mothers, it also engages the implications of such a finding to feminist theory. It explains the stalled gender revolution in the formation of transnational households with migrant mothers and establishes the significance of examining gender from a relational and not solely an identity perspective.
Discussion with Hélène Le Bail and Hélène Thiollet, researchers CNRS at Sciences Po’s Center for International Studies (CERI).
© Rhacel Salazar Parreñas/USC