Home>What Lessons Can Be Drawn from the Health Crisis at the European Level?

What Lessons Can Be Drawn from the Health Crisis at the European Level?
About this event
10 November 2021 from 18:00 until 19:30
Organized in the framework of the ‘Santé and Global Health Policy Stream’ of the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs, this Health Seminar « Towards a European Health Union? » aims to shed expert lights on a current issue by combining researchers and practitioners’ approaches and points of view.
During this third conference, Anna Gallina, Director for Health and Food Safety at the European Commission, will discuss lessons learned from the health crisis at the European level. She will examine the role of European institutions during the pandemic and will also reflect on how the European Union can prepare for the future health crisis.
Moderation by Daniel Benamouzig, CNRS research director, holder of the Health Chair at Sciences Po, member of the Covid-19 national Task Force.
He will be accompanied by a group of students of the Global Health Policy Stream, Sciences Po School of Public Affairs.
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