Home>The Private Equity Forum in Paris


The Private Equity Forum in Paris

About this event

04 June 2012 from 18:00 until 21:30

Cette 2ème édition du Private Equity Forum in Paris qui se tiendra les 4 et  5 juin 2012 est l’occasion de mener une réflexion de fond entre les communautés professionnelle, scientifique et politique au sujet du private equity. Le thème central du Forum portera sur la régulation du private equity dans la nouvelle donne financière ainsi que son rôle dans le financement de l’économie réelle.




4 pm – 4:45 pm : Results of the international researches of the Observatory of private equity at HEC presented by Oliver GOTTSCHALG.
Results of the Fitness Ranking

4:45 pm – 5:45 pm : Debate: The impact of regulation on private equity in the current financial environment
Stefano CASELLI, Full Professor of Banking and Finance and Director of MSc in Finance, Università Bocconi
Tilman LUEDER, Head of unit – Asset Management, financial markets directorate, DG Internal Market and Services, European Commission
– Jean-Pierre LANDAU, Former deputy governor of the Banque de France & Professor at Sciences Po

6 pm – 7:30 pm : Roundtable moderated by Oliver GOTTSCHALG
– Dominique SENEQUIER, Chief Executive Officer at AXA Private Equity,
– René RICOL, Chairman of the Strategic Committee of Ricol Lasteyrie, Chairman of France Investissement
– Vincenzo MORELLI, Senior Advisor at TPG Capital, Chairman of the European Private Equity Roundtable
– John BREEN, Senior investment executive with the Saudi Arabian Investment Company and former vice chairman at ILPA
– Helmut HAUSSMANN, Chairman of the Advisory Board of GEMINI Executive Search, former Minister of Economy of Germany, 1988-1991



9:00 am – 12:30 pm: Presentation of scientific studies
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm: Lunch

About this event

04 June 2012 from 18:00 until 21:30