Home>The Iraqi Kurdistan and the Kurdish Issue in Near Eastern Politics. New Dynamics and Challenges


The Iraqi Kurdistan and the Kurdish Issue in Near Eastern Politics. New Dynamics and Challenges

About this event

22 November 2013 from 09:30 until 18:30


8h30-9h00. Registration of participants

9h00-9h15. Welcome address

Luis Martinez, directeur de recherche, CERI-Sciences Po
Khaman Zrar Asaad, Representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government in France
Khaled Salih, Vice Chancellor of the University of Kurdistan Hewler

I. New political and social developments in Iraqi Kurdistan
Chair: Hamit Bozarslan, EHESS – CETOBAC

9h15-10h30. Political question about a “quasi-state”

•    Khaled Salih, University of Kurdistan Hewler
Negotiating a federal state: the Kurdish experience in Iraq

•    Alex Danielovic, University of Kurdistan Hewler
Iraqi federalism and the Kurds: learning to live together

•    Gareth Stanfield, University of Exeter
Keeping options open: the oil and gas strategy of the Kurdistan Regional Government

•    Beriwan Khailany, KRG – Higher Education and Scientific Research
KRG & higher education: strategy and future perspectives

10h45-12h00. Building an intellectual and social autonomy

•    Hardy Mohammed, Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne – CESSP
Processus de « parlementarisation » dans la région du Kurdistan d’Irak : 1992-2012

•    Nazand Begikhani & Gill Hague, University of Bristol
Violence against women: experiences and counter strategies in Kurdistan Region

•    Amanj Saeed, KRG – Higher Education and Scientific Research
Human capacity development in post-conflict countries: KRG experience as example

•    Najat Abdullah, KRG – Culture and Community Affairs
Ecrire et enseigner l’histoire au Kurdistan d’Irak

12h-12h30. Discussion
Discussant: Laurence Louër, CERI-Sciences Po

II. Regional Kurdish Dynamics
Chair: Olivier Grojean, Aix-Marseille Université – CERIC

14h00-15h15. National issues and transboundary effects

•    Said Shamsaddin, Soran University
National identity and Islamist moral majority: the dynamics of Kurdish struggle in Iran

•    Merve Özdemirkıran, Sciences Po-CERI
Suivre le pas du commerce de Khabur vers Ibrahim Khalil : dans la file d’attente des relations turco-kurdes

•    Clémence Scalbert-Yücel, University of Exeter
Un champ culturel transfrontalier ? Echanges et liens entre Kurdistan turc et irakien

•    Michael Leezenberg, University of Amsterdam
Civil society in Kurdistan: divergence, convergence, challenges

15h30-16h45. Contemporary Kurdish Conflicts

•    Olivier Grojean, Aix-Marseille Université – CERIC
Un champ d’action régionalisé ? Le PKK et ses organisations sœurs au Moyen-Orient

•    Gilles Dorronsoro & Yohanan Benhaim, Université Paris 1–Panthéon Sorbonne – CESSP
Le point de vue d’Ankara sur les conflits kurdes

•    Jordi Tejel, Graduate Institute of Geneva
Le nationalisme kurde à l’épreuve des révoltes arabes: le cas syrien

•    Joseph Bahout, Sciences Po-CERI
La crise syrienne, un conflit régional aussi

16h45-17h15. Discussion
Discussant: Alain Dieckhoff, CNRS/CERI-Sciences Po

17h15-17h30. Concluding remarks
Nazand Begikhani, Senior Research Fellow, University of Bristol

Le colloque se déroulera en anglais et en français; traduction assurée.
In partnership with Sciences Po-CERI, Kurdistan Regional Government Representation in France, University of Kurdistan Hewler, Aix-Marseille Université – CERIC (UMR 7318)

About this event

22 November 2013 from 09:30 until 18:30