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The Euro and the Battle of Ideas
About this event
14 October 2016 from 12:15 until 14:15
On the occasion of the publication of his book “The Euro and the Battle of Ideas”, co-authored with Harold James and Sciences Po Department of Economics’ Associated Professor Jean-Pierre Landau, Markus K. Brunnermeier will present a road map for Europe’s future based on an economic analysis and historical reflection on Europe’s greatest – but troubled – monetary adventure: the Euro.
Markus K. Brunnermeier (PhD, LSE) is the Edwards S. Sanford Professor at Princeton University, faculty member of the Department of Economics and director of Princeton’s Bendheim Center for Finance. He is the founding and former director of Princeton’s Julis Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance and affiliated with the International Economics Section. He is also a research associate at NBER, CEPR, and CESifo. He is a member of several advisory groups, including to the IMF, the Federal Reserve of New York, the European Systemic Risk Board, the Bundesbank and the U.S. Congressional Budget Office.
His research focuses on international financial markets and the macroeconomy with special emphasis on bubbles, liquidity, financial and monetary price stability. To explore these topics, his models incorporate frictions as well as behavioral elements.
Moderators: Philippe Martin, Professor at Sciences Po’s Department of Economics and Benoît Mojon, Banque de France.