Home>The EU as a geopolitical actor: can we really compete with China and the US?

The EU as a geopolitical actor: can we really compete with China and the US?
About this event
07 April 2021 from 19:00 until 21:00
The global geopolitical scene is rapidly evolving. In this context, if handling the current crisis was not enough for the European Union, another tremendous challenge awaits: will the European Union be able to compete with the United States and China on the global scene, particularly as competition between the two great powers escalates?
An interactive discussion with Martin Selmayr, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Austria and former Secretary-General of the European Commission.
Moderation by Olivier Rozenberg, Associate Professor at Sciences Po, Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics.
Photo M.Selmayr ©Wikimedia Commons/Saeima- O.Rozenberg ©DR