Home>The Creative Potential of Artificial Intelligence. A Masterclass by the Collective Obvious

The Creative Potential of Artificial Intelligence. A Masterclass by the Collective Obvious
About this event
13 April 2022 from 21:15 until 23:00
How Artificial Intelligence can challenge art and help in an innovative process? How the latest models of deep learning and algorithms can empower our natural creativity ? How GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks) and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) can propose new examples of creations, working on redefining the creation process and providing new insights on the question of the place the artist takes in it? What is the response of the art market to this new type of art?
What are the legal and political issues raised by the crypto-art? Is a sustainable digital art possible? How promoting a new level of collaboration between an artist and his tools can also help to find a new way to collaborate together and with the major actors that shape our society? What are the impacts on the place of the artist but also on the work of all the professionals that make contemporary art promotion and trade ?
This Masterclass will be the great opportunity to question the revolution the digital tools bring about in the art sector and to address questions to the pioneers in creation with artificial intelligence, at the art and the technology crossroads.
A discussion with:
- The collective Obvious
- Agnès Perpitch, Founder of a contemporary art production and consulting
- Marine Van Schoonbeek, Co-Founder and General Director of Thanks For Nothing and La Collective.
Moderation by Florence Botello, academic advisor for the Culture / Cultural policy & Management stream of Sciences Po’s School of Public Affairs, and students of the stream.
This Masterclass will be in English. It is organized as part of the “Masterclasses Culture” of the School of Public Affairs.
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