Home>The Arab Revolutions: How do China and Europe look at them?


The Arab Revolutions: How do China and Europe look at them?

About this event

30 March 2011 from 19:00 until 20:30

En présence de Dr Chen ZHIMIN (Fudan University); Zaki LAIDI (Sciences Po/CEE) et Karoline POSTEL VINAY (Sciences Po/CERI).

– Dr CHEN ZHIMIN (Fudan University), professor at the Department of International Politics, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan Uni versity, Shanghai. His research interests include international relations theory, diplomacy studies, Chinese foreign policy and EU studies. His major recent publications in Chinese include: Contemporary Diplomacy; Foreign Policy Integration in European Union: An Mission Impossible?; Subnational Governments and Foreign Affairs. He also co-edited (with David Zweig) China’s Reforms and International Political Economy (Routledge, 2007).
ZAKI LAIDI (Sciences Po/CEE), Research Professor at Sciences Po, Centre d’études européennes. He is a specialist of international relations and European affairs. He has written the first book on Obama’s foreign policy (Le monde selon Obama, Stock, 2010). He is currently working on a Sciences Po financed project on Europe as a Risk Averse Power. He has extensively written on the international consequences of Arab revolutions in Le Monde, Les Echos and the Financial Times.
– Moderator: Karoline POSTEL VINAY (Sciences Po/CERI).

About this event

30 March 2011 from 19:00 until 20:30