Home>Summer Workshop in International Finance and Macro Finance


Summer Workshop in International Finance and Macro Finance

About this event

From 02 July 2015 11:00 to 03 July 2015 15:00


Thursday, July 2, 2015 (Location: Sciences Po, 13 rue de l’Université, 75007 Paris – Amphi ERIGNAC)


Financial Markets and History

09:00-10:00  François Velde (Fed Chicago)
Evidence on Investor Preferences: Lottery Loans in the 18th century

10:00-11:00   Fabio Braggion (Tilburg University)
A Century of Firm – Bank Relationships. “In the End There Was Banking Sector Deregulation. And It Did Matter. It Spurred Firms to Add Banks and Borrow More.” (joint with Steven Ongena)

Economic Fluctuations and the Great Recession
11:30-12:30 Saki Bigio (Columbia)
Financial Frictions in Production Networks (joint with Jennifer La’O)

14:00-15:00 Luca Fornaro (CREI – Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona GSE)
Stagnation Traps (joint with G. Benigno)

15:00-16:00 Mirko Wiederholt (University of Frankfurt)
Empirical Properties of Inflation Expectations and the Zero Lower Bound

16:30-17:30 Patrick Pintus (Aix-Marseille University)
Learning Financial Shocks and the Great Recession (joint with Jacek Suda)



Friday, July 3, 2015 (Location: Sciences Po, 28 rue des Saints Pères,75007 Paris – Amphi CAQUOT)

Search, matching and financial markets
08:45-9:45 Manolis Galenianos (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Segmentation of information and unsecured credit (joint with Jaromir Nosal)

9:45 -10:45 Ramon Marimon (European University Institute and UPF – Barcelona GSE)
Breaking the Spell with Credit-Easing. Self-Confirming Credit Crises in Competitive Search Economies (joint with G. Gaballo)

11:00-12:00 Randall Wright (Wisconsin School of Business)
Money and Credit Redux (joint with Chao Gu & Fabrizio Mattesini)

12:00-13:00 Pietro Gottardi (EUI)
Risk Sharing and Contagion in Networks (joint with Antonio Cabrales and Fernando Vega Redondo)


If you would like to attend please contact Leila Brunoir for free registration


Co-organizers: Gaetano Gaballo (Banque de France), Cyril Monnet (University of Bern), Erwan Quintin (Wisconsin School of Business), Nicolas Coeurdacier (SciencesPo) and Philippe Martin (Sciences Po).

The event is co-sponsored by Sciences Po, the Wisconsin School of Business, the Banque de France, with the financial support from the European Research Council.

About this event

From 02 July 2015 11:00 to 03 July 2015 15:00