Home>Should money remain in the hands of states?

Should money remain in the hands of states?
About this event
11 March 2020 from 20:15 until 22:00
Should money remain in the hands of states? From Bitcoin to Stablecoins and Central Bank Digital Currencies
A conference to discuss the potential of stablecoins and CBDCs in France, Europe and beyond, with:
- Arnaud Delaunay, Head of Banking services and means of payment at the French Treasury
- Pierre Noizat, CEO and Co-Founder of Paymium & Blockchain.io, author of Bitcoin, mode d’emploi
- Christian Pfister, Advisor to DG Financial Stability and Operations at the Banque de France, Central Bank Digital Currency taskforce lead, lecturer at Sciences Po and Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Arthur Breitman, Co-founder of Tezos (via video conference).
Moderated by Yorick de Mombynes, Cour des Comptes, Sapiens Institute’s “Bitcoin, Totem and Taboo” report co-author.
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Sciences Po’s Chair Digital, Governance and Sovereignty is hosted by Sciences Po School of Public Affairs
Illustration ©Thomas Heden