Home>Sharing or not sharing? Intrafamily resources and gender inequalities

Sharing or not sharing? Intrafamily resources and gender inequalities
About this event
12 May 2017 from 11:30 until 14:30
Presentation of three papers :
– Fran Bennett (University of Oxford): “Opening up the black box: researching the distribution of resources within the household”
– Lamia Kandil (OFCE) and Hélène Périvier (OFCE): “The sexual Division of Labour within couples in France according to their marital status: a study based on time-use surveys from 1985-1986, 1998-1999 et 2009-2010”
– Sophie Ponthieux (OFCE)/ “Income pooling and equal sharing within the household – What can we learn from the 2010 EU-SILC module”.
Followed by a discussion with :
– Guillaume Allègre, Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques (OFCE)
– Emanuele Ferragina, Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d’évaluation des politiques publiques de Sciences Po (LIEPP)