Home>Retours sur la trajectoire historique du Parti Communiste Chinois


Retours sur la trajectoire historique du Parti Communiste Chinois

About this event

12 March 2024 from 17:00 until 19:00

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Une conférence débat organisée à l'occasion de la parution de l’ouvrage The Chinese Communist Party: A 100-year Trajectory (Australian National University Press, 2024) dirigé par Jérôme Doyon et Chloé Froissart

Présidence: Stéphanie Balme (Sciences Po - CERI)

Les deux coordinateurs du volume collectif, Jérôme Doyon (Sciences Po - CERI) et Chloé Froissart (Inalco - IFRAE), ainsi que deux auteurs du volume, Rémi Castets (Bordeaux Montaigne - D2iA) et Gilles Guiheux (Paris Cité)

Discutant: Yves Chevrier (EHESS)

The Chinese Communist Party
A 100-Year Trajectory
Edited by: Jérôme Doyon, Chloé Froissart 
ANU Press, Jan 2024
This volume brings together an international team of prominent scholars from a range of disciplines, with the aim of investigating the many facets of the Chinese Communist Party’s 100-year trajectory. It combines a level of historical depth mostly found in single-authored monographs with the thematic and disciplinary breadth of an edited volume. This work stands out for its long-term and multiscale approach, offering complex and nuanced insights, eschewing any Party grand narrative, and unravelling underlying trends and logics, composed of adaption but also contradictions, resistance and sometimes setbacks, that may be overlooked when focusing on the short term.

About this event

12 March 2024 from 17:00 until 19:00

Organized by