Home>Legal Challenges of the Data Economy

Legal Challenges of the Data Economy
About this event
22 March 2019 from 09:30 until 19:30
An international conference organised by the Chair Technology, Governance and Institutional Innovations at Sciences Po School of Public Affairs; the Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics at the University of Chicago; the Collège des Bernardins; the Institut Montaigne and the Cercle Montesquieu.
Recent events and reforms have shed light on the main challenges posed by the “Data Economy”. In 2018, The European community enacted the GDPR, tightening the rules governing data privacy and security. In recent years, both European and U.S. authorities have investigated anticompetitive behavior by the largest data platforms.
These topics will be at the center of this international conference. Among the topics to be discussed are the role of algorithms in governing society and the ethical issues they raise, personalization in markets and in the law, consumers’ data privacy and data security, the challenges to competition and antitrust policy, ownership of data, and more.
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