Home>Le pouvoir des algorithmes… et leur impact sur la politique, l’économie et nos vies quotidiennes

Le pouvoir des algorithmes… et leur impact sur la politique, l’économie et nos vies quotidiennes
About this event
22 March 2017 from 18:00 until 20:00
Guest speaker : Michael Latzer, Professor of Communications at the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (IPMZ) , University of Zurich, Switzerland, where he chairs the Media Change & Innovation Division.
Prior to joining IPMZ, he held various positions at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAS) and other research institutions worldwide.
Discussant : Dominique Cardon, Associate Professor in sociology, Sciences Po médialab. Author of “A quoi rêvent les algorithmes. Nos vies à l’heure des big data” (Paris Le seuil, 2016).
Moderator : Thierry Vedel, researcher CNRS, CEVIPOF Sciences Po.