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Fostering Innovation: What Role for Higher Education and Research?
About this event
22 May 2018 from 10:30 until 20:00
How can scientific research and public policy influence one another and what are the implications for our societies?
The objective of this 2nd International Conference on French-Singaporean collaborations in Research and Education is to drive future partnerships and explore innovative solutions to tomorrow’s challenges from an interdisciplinary approach. The conference is part of the official events of the France-Singapore Year of Innovation.
Programme – Tuesday 22 May, 2018 – Sciences Po
8:30-9:00 Welcome coffee & registration
9:00-9:30 Opening addresses:
- Dr Vanessa Scherrer, Vice President, International Affairs, Sciences Po
- H.E. Mr. Zainal Arif Mantaha, Singapore Ambassador to France
- Pauline Carmona, Deputy Director, Asia Pacific, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, France
- François Houllier, President, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité
- Prof Anne Pakir, Associate Vice President (University and Global Relations), National University of Singapore (NUS)
Keynote 1: Some lessons from forty years of studying science relations to politics by Prof Bruno Latour, médialab, Sciences Po
Keynote 2: Gene therapy for inherited disease of the hematopoietic system: advances and challenges by Prof Marina Cavazzana, Université Paris Descartes.
Start-ups and Emerging Technologies
Innovation & Entreprise: What role for Higher Education & Research ?
Introduction by Frédéric Mion, President, Sciences Po
Keynote 1: Prof Low Teck Seng, CEO, National Research Foundation, Singapore.
Keynote 2: NUS Overseas College (NOC) and its impact on the Singaporean ecosystem by Dr Lily Chan, CEO, NUS Enterprise.
Keynote 3: Reflections on Innovation Ecosystems by Prof Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences · University of California at Berkeley & CREATE, Singapore.
Panel Discussion: Innovation policies from a French-Singaporean perspective.
Social Innovation
Innovation is not only Tech: the importance of social sciences, arts & humanities and the impact of innovation on society
Chair: School of Management and Innovation, Sciences Po.
Permanent impermanence: living with innovation in Singapore by Prof Gerard Sasges, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS and Ng Shiwen, founder, Photorikiki.
Science, Technology, and Society (STS) in the Asian Century by Prof Gregory Clancey, Head, Science, Technology, and Society Cluster, Asia Research Institute (ARI), NUS.
Diplomacy as Theatre: Innovating historical methodology by Prof Naoko Shimazu, Yale-NUS College.
Media innovation, education and fake news by Prof Divina Frau-Meigs, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Social innovation and Aerospace
Now that we are in space, how do we live there? Sustainability, “Twin World”, market efficiency, and regulations. Panel discussion.
Full programme and more information
Mandatory Registration here
The conference continues on May 23 at Université Paris Descartes. Full programme and registration here.