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Europe, Politics & Us
About this event
18 June 2019 from 11:00 until 19:00
Special Anniversary Conference to celebrate Ten Years of the Sciences Po Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics.
Four roundtables :
- The European Policy State in question
- New Divides in European Politics The Aftermath of the 2019 European Elections
- Challenges to Democratic Capitalism: Transitioning to the knowledge Economy
- Territorial Cleavages, Politics of Place, and Contention.
With Torben Iversen (Harvard University), Sarah de Lange (Amsterdam University), Philipp Genschel (European University Institute), Lydie Launay (Institut National Universitaire Champollion, LISST-Cers), Gilles Ivaldi (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS)… and researchers Senior and Junior of the Sciences Po Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics.
Read detailed programme and register