Home>EU Enlargements 20 years on: Lessons and Prospects

EU Enlargements 20 years on: Lessons and Prospects
About this event
13 May 2024 from 09:00 until 18:00
Salons scientifiques
1 pl. Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin, 75007, ParisIn partnership with the Jacques Delors Institute/Grande Europe
Introduction and Welcome (9h15-10h)
Stéphanie Balme, Director of CERI-Sciences Po
Sylvie Mately, Director of Jacques Delors Institute
Keynote Introductory remarks: Eastern Promisses 20 years on
Kersti Kaljulaid, Former President of Estonia (tbc)
1. EU ‘transformative power’ and Domestic Political Trends in Central Europe (10h – 11h30)
- Jacques Rupnik (Sciences Po-CERI)
- Daniel Hegedüs (GMF Berlin)
- Jaroslaw Kuisz (University of Warsaw)
- Ondrej Dytrich (Institute of International Relations, Prague & EUISS
Chair: Lukas Macek , Sciences Po / Institut Jacques Delors
2. Central Europe 20 years later: Foreign Policy Orientations (11h45-13h)
- David Cadier (University of Groningen and Sciences Po-CERI)
- Jana Kobzova (Office of the President of Slovakia)
- Tomas Petricek (Former Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic and Prague Institute of International Relation)
- Maria Malksoo (University of Copenhagen)
Chair: Christian Lequesne (Sciences Po-CERI)
--- Lunch break ---
3. Enlargements and Public Opinion in EU and Candidate Countries (14h30)
- Bruno Cautrès CEVIPOF - Sciences Po)
- Bojana Zoric (EUISS)
4. The “Ukrainian Moment”: Prospects for Future Enlargements (15h45-17h30)
- Volodymyr Yermolenko, ukraineworld.org, Kiev
- Olga Onuch (Manchester University)
- Nikola Dimitrov (Former Foreign Minister of Macedonia)
- Florent Parmentier (Sciences Po - CEVIPOF)
- Pierre Mirel (Former EU Director of DG Enlargement)
Chair: Anne de Tinguy (Sciences Po-CERI)
Keynote - Conclusions: What rethinking enlargement means for the EU
Jean-Louis Bourlanges (Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Assemblée Nationale)