Home>Empirical Monetary Economics
Empirical Monetary Economics
About this event
10 December 2013 from 10:15 until 19:00
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together macroeconomists to discuss and promote topical empirical research on monetary economics. Both the financial crisis and the sovereign debt crisis raised important issues for the effectiveness of current monetary policies and for the conduct of future ones. They also call for a re-examination of appropriate approaches for analyzing these issues.
The keynote speaker at the workshop will be Refet GURKAYNAK (Bilkent University & CEPR) on:
Inflation Experience and Inflation Expectations: Spatial Evidence (with Marcel Fratzscher and Gülserim Özcan)
In addition, there will be 3 sessions about:
Monetary Policy and Portfolio Choices
→ Harald HAU (University of Geneva & Swiss Finance Institute)
Asset Allocation and Monetary Policy: Evidence from the Eurozone (with Sandy Lai)
→ Rodrigo GUIMARAES (Bank of England)
Financial Intermediaries and Bond Risk Premia (with Gabriele Zinna)
Monetary Policy Signalling
→ Peter TILLMANN (Justus‐Liebig‐University Giessen)
Using forecasts to uncover the loss function of FOMC members (with Christian Pierdzioch and Jan‐Christoph Rülke)
→ Michael McMAHON (University of Warwick & CEPR)
First Impressions Matter: Signalling as a Source of Policy Dynamics (with Stephen Hansen)
→ Klodiana ISTREFI (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Economic Policy Uncertainty and Inflation Expectations (with Anamaria Piloiu)
Monetary Policy Shocks
→ Clara SOARES (Banco de Portugal)
The Risk‐Taking Channel of Monetary Policy (with Diana Bonfim)
→ Luca GAMBETTI (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
The Effects of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices Bubbles: Some Evidence (with Jordi Gali)
Registration: eme.workshop@sciencespo.fr