Home>Empirical Monetary Economics 2014
Empirical Monetary Economics 2014
About this event
08 December 2014 from 10:00 until 19:00
OFCE – Workshop on Empirical Monetary Economics 2014
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together economists to discuss and promote topical empirical research on monetary economics. Both the financial crisis and the sovereign debt crisis raised important issues for the effectiveness of current monetary policies and for the conduct of future ones.
Keynote speaker : Paolo Surico (London Business School & CEPR) on: Housing debt and the transmission of monetary policy
In addition, there will be 3 sessions about:
Unconventional Monetary Policy Tools
→ Richard Harrison (Bank of England) Estimating the effects of forward guidance in rational expectations models
→ Petra Gerlach-Kristen (Swiss National Bank) Mortgage arrears in Europe: The role of monetary and macroprudential policies
→ Julien Matheron (Banque de France) Assessing the macroeconomic effects of LTROs
Monetary Policy Shocks and Non-Linearity
→ Gregory Thwaites (Bank of England) Pushing on a string: US monetary policy is less powerful in recessions
→ Juan Rubio Ramirez (Duke University) The systematic component of monetary policy in SVARs: an agnostic identification procedure
→ Julia von Borstel (Deutsche Bundesbank) The interest rate pass-through in the euro area before and during the sovereign debt crisis
Central Bank Transparency
→ Dick van Dijk (Erasmus School of Economics) Market set-up in advance of Federal Reserve policy rate decisions
→ Stephen Hansen (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Transparency and deliberation within the FOMC: a computational linguistics approach