Home>D-15: Obama vs Romney – The Final Round
D-15: Obama vs Romney – The Final Round
About this event
24 October 2012 from 19:30 until 21:00
Guest speakers:
– Gregory WAWRO, Associate Professor of Political Science, Columbia University
– Pierre GIACOMETTI, President, Giacometti, Peron & Associés
Two weeks before the US Presidential Election, this round table will bring together Gregory Waxro and Pierre Giacometti, two eminent political experts who will comment on the predicted voting tendencies, image of the candidates and state of popular opinion in the swing states. Gregory Wawro is Associate Professor of Political Science at Columbia University (Ph.D., Cornell, 1997). He specializes in American politics (including Congress, elections, campaign finance, judicial politics, and political economy) and political methodology. He is the author of Legislative Entrepreneurship in the U.S. House of Representatives. His academic awards include the Richard J. Fenno Prize for best book in legislative studies in 2006, the E.E. Schattschneider Award, the Milton J. Esman Award, the CQ Prize for best paper presented in the Legislative Studies section at the 2002 APSA meeting, a Mellon Foundation Graduate Fellowship, and a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship. Pierre Giacometti is co-founder and CEO of the strategy consulting firm GiacommetiPéron & Associates. He also serves on the board of Casino. A graduate of Sciences Po, he began his career with BVA in 1985. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Ipsos France, Head of Global Opinion Research and was a member of the management board of IPOS.