Home>Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations

Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations
About this event
12 April 2021 from 19:00 until 21:00
A conference in the framework of Sciences Po’s Atelier Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur l’Environnement (AIRE), with guest speakers:
Carola Klöck, Assistant Professor of political science at Sciences Po’s Center for International Studies (CERI), co-editor of the book Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations*.
Discussed by Anaëlle Vergonjeanne, PhD student at Sciences Po’s Center for International Studies (CERI).
Chaired by Richard Balme, Professor of political science, Sciences Po’s Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics; and AIRE.
Coalitions are a defining feature of any multilateral negotiations, such as those on climate change. Rather than participate individually, states team up with like-minded countries in coalitions or negotiation groups. In the climate case, there are now over 20 such coalitions.
Despite their central role, coalitions have received surprisingly little academic attention; we still know little about when and why coalitions form, who joins which coalitions, or how coalitions change negotiation dynamics and process.
The edited volume Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations* (Routledge, 2020) addresses this gap. It takes stock of the evolving landscape of climate negotiations, and zooms in on some of the new coalitions that have emerged over the past round of negotiations.
Please register with marina.abelskaiagraziani@
*Read more about the book “Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations”