Home>Climatising the United Nations Security Council

Climatising the United Nations Security Council
About this event
25 November 2019 from 13:30 until 15:30
Rencontre dans le cadre de l’Atelier interdisciplinaire de recherches sur l’environnement (AIRE) avec
Lucile Maertens, maître-assistante en relations internationales à l’Université de Lausanne, co-responsable du Centre d’histoire internationale et d’études politiques de la mondialisation.
Lucile Maertens est également chercheure associée au Centre de recherches internationales de Sciences Po (CERI), où elle co-supervise le séminaire de recherche sur l’environnement et les relations internationales. Ses travaux portent sur l’action des organisations internationales dans le domaine de la sécurité internationale et de l’environnement.
Since 2007, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has debated the security implications of climate change on several occasions. This communication addresses these debates by exploring two inter-related questions: what drives the continuous efforts to bring climate change on the UNSC’s agenda and to what extent do the UNSC’s debates illustrate a broader process of climatization of world politics?
To answer these, it draws on the concept of climatization, which captures the process through which domains of international politics are framed through a climatic lens and transformed as a result of this translation.
It suggests that climate change has become a dominant framing and an inescapable topic of international relations and that the UNSC debates follow a logic of expansion of climate politics. It further argues that not only is the UNSC progressively climatized, but its climatization also reproduces and reinforces the ‘reality schism’ that characterizes global climate governance.
Inscription (avant le 22/11) : marina.abelskaiagraziani@sciencespo.fr
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