Home>Celebrating CEDAW: Demystifying International Bill of Women’s Rights for Young Migrant Women

Celebrating CEDAW: Demystifying International Bill of Women’s Rights for Young Migrant Women
About this event
17 June 2021 from 20:00 until 21:30
The Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), celebrating its 40th anniversary since coming into force this year, is one of the nine Core Treaties on Human Rights, and it is the only International Bill for the Human Rights of Women and Girls.
Over the past months, the young women’s group of the European Network of Migrant Women, together with Sciences Po students and with the support of global platform Women Forward International, developed a toolkit intended to demystify the CEDAW for one of the most disadvantaged groups, young migrant and refugee women and girls, and guide practitioners and grassroots associations working with young migrant women in adopting a more women and girls focused and intersectional approach to their decision-making and programme design.
A conference with:
- Gabrielle Majko, Carolina Medina and Jillian Montilla, students at Sciences Po’s Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA)
- Hélène Périvier, Director of Presage, Sciences Po’s Gender Studies programme, and Economist at the French Economic Observatory (OFCE-Sciences Po)
- Kate Vivian, Deputy Vice President for International Affairs at Sciences Po.
Read more and register
There will be live interpretation available in French, Spanish, and Russian.
©Alyssa Ahrabare/ENoMW