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Can Finance Save the World?
About this event
18 March 2021 from 20:15 until 22:15
The financial sector is often disparaged and traditionally opposed to the real economy. This legendary gap is gradually closing thanks to the remarkable work of committed individuals.
A conference with guest speakers:
- Bertrand Badré, CEO and Founder of Blue like an Orange Sustainable Capital. Former Managing Director of the World Bank and World Bank Group Chief Financial Officer
- Amandine Lepoutre, Founder & President, Thinkers and Doers
- Natacha Valla, Dean, Sciences Po School of Management and Innovation.
In his latest book entitled Voulons nous (sérieusement) changer le monde, Bertand Badré shows us that another path is possible. We must review the fundamental principles of finance, critically analyze financial evaluation methods, and get away from the tyranny of short-term profits in order to build a new sustainable and resilient global balance based on human beings. The green and solidarity economy needs financial means to grow. Bertrand Badré shows us that by structuring the chain of actors in impact finance, we can succeed in creating a new model of society that is fairer and more equitable and, above all, more fulfilling for all.