Home>Asia Days at Sciences Po : “Silicosis and labor conditions in Asia: a comparative and connected view”

Asia Days at Sciences Po : “Silicosis and labor conditions in Asia: a comparative and connected view”
About this event
27 June 2017 from 11:00 until 13:00
On the occasion of the 6th French Network for Asian Studies International Conference (FNASIC), Sciences Po is pleased to invite you to Asia Days at Sciences Po
“Silicosis and labor conditions in Asia : a comparative and connected view”
– Paul-André Rosental, Sciences Po
– Bernard Thomann, Inalco
– Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University
This round table will be devoted to discussion of the book Silicosis. A World History that, at the time of the conference, will just be published by Johns Hopkins University Press under the direction of Paul-André Rosental.
The book relates doubly to Asia.
Firstly? silicosis is quintessential “transnational” disease in the sense that the same medical definition was literally “negotiated” in the interwar period, between employers, unions and medical experts, under the auspices the International Labour Office. Since then, international agencies – ILO always but WHO – have played a major role in the promotion and implementation of national legislation in Asia.
Moreover silicosis, which not only hits the miners but workers from many industrial sectors, “traditional” (stonecutters, construction workers, farmers slate pencils) or “modern” (grit Turkish or Bangladeshi jeans), concerned and concerns, more than ever, the Asian countries. The fight against this health scourge, which goes beyond the walls of the mine, factory or workshop to affect the environment, in dependent of new forms of social mobilization.
It is from this dual perspective, comparative and connected, that researchers brought together in this roundtable will review the history and present of silicosis on the Asian continent.
Academic coordinator : Karoline Postel-Vinay (Sciences Po-CERI)
Contact: AsieSciencesPo2017@gmail.com
Crédits photos : @junrong / Shutterstock.com