Home>Asia Days at Sciences Po : “Northeast Asia and Korea. The Challenges ahead”
Asia Days at Sciences Po : “Northeast Asia and Korea. The Challenges ahead”
About this event
27 June 2017 from 10:30 until 12:30
On the occasion of the 6th French Network for Asian Studies International Conference (FNASIC), Sciences Po is pleased to invite you to Asia Days at Sciences Po.
“Northeast Asia and Korea. The challenges ahead”
In partnership with the Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA)
Opening remarks by Enrico Letta, Dean of the Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) and former Prime Minister of Italy
– Abigail Friedman, former US Diplomat and Founder and CEO of The Wisteria Group
– Roland Tricot, Principal Administrator at the European Commission Legal Service (RELEX Team), former Director of KEDO (international organization in charge of managing nuclear disarmament incentives with North Korea)
– Hyung-gu Lynn, the AECL/KEPCO Chair in Korean Research at the Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia and Editor of the journal Pacific Affairs
Chair: Karoline Postel Vinay, Senior research fellow, Sciences Po-CERI
Security issues are more than ever a central issue in the context of the very volatile Northeast Asian geopolitics. This roundtable will be looking at some of the major questions that policymakers and experts will need to address in the coming years.
Academic coordinator : Karoline Postel-Vinay (Sciences Po-CERI)
Contact: AsieSciencesPo2017@gmail.com