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A university open to all: Policy for Welcoming Refugees Students
Discovering their host country, defining a new professional or academic project: Sciences Po has made assisting refugees its priority
In response to the migrant crisis that took hold of Europe and the world in 2015, Sciences Po developed a policy for welcoming student refugees. In addition to the ‘classic’ admissions procedures for our Masters programmes, Sciences Po, offers a specialised measure to work closely with migrants whose studies have been interrupted, while considering the specificity of their background. It's an approach to mentor students as they regain confidence, get to know their host country, and embark on a new academic or professional project.
Our programme for student refugees
Since 2018, Sciences Po has been committed to welcoming and integrating refugees through the Professional Certificate in the Social Sciences and Humanities for Young Refugees. This 2-year course confers a post-secondary qualification of BAC +2. The programme has 3 main objectives: to improve students’ French language skills, to introduce them to the social sciences and humanities, and to help them integrate into French society (pursue their studies and/or find a job).
- Social Sciences
- History
- Introduction to mathematics for social sciences
- Introduction to management and business
- French as a foreign language
- Foreign languages other than French
- Online history course with Cambridge University
- Office skills
- Career skills workshops
- Discovery of French culture (theater, museums, etc.)
- Six-month internship during the 4th semester
The next cohort will start the programme in September 2025 for a 2-year period. To apply, fill out the application form and send your CV and a photo of your residence permit by e-mail.
Applicants should meet the following criteria:
- Be interested in and motivated by studies in the social sciences and humanities;
- Be between 18 and 28 years of age on September 1, 2025;
- Have refugee status in France;
- Have at least a B1 level in French;
- Be committed to full-time training from September 1, 2025 to August 31, 2027.
This program is not intended to prepare students for admission to Bachelor or Masters programs at Sciences Po.
Selected students will be eligible for a CROUS scholarship and will receive additional scholarships from Sciences Po according to their individual situation. Tuition is free.
Address any questions to certificat.refugies@sciencespo.fr
Welcome Refugees,a student initiative

In November 2015, Sciences Po students launched an initiative aimed at enabling refugees to recommence their studies at Sciences Po.
Find out more
Key Figures
11,5 million
euros pledged each year in scholarships and financial aid
euros pledged each year in scholarships and financial aid
recipients of the Emile Boutmy scholarship over the past 10 years
different high schools send their students to Sciences Po
disabled students
migrants received in the Welcome Refugees programme