The political and social life of identification papers in Africa
24 June 2016
Europe’s response to migrations
12 July 2016

Cogito, the Newsletter of Research at Sciences Po

The launch of Cogito has one main purpose: to share our most recent research findings and new projects with you. It was not easy to choose from our community’s rich activity. The report featured in this issue – on migration in Europe – was an obvious choice given how much the subject is currently dominating the news. We believe that the publications, research projects, young researcher profiles and unexpected data presented in this first issue are emblematic of the work to which our research community is passionately devoted. Along with all the people who put so much energy into producing this Cogito I hope you will enjoy the read and find it thought provoking!


Europe’s response to migrations

In Folio: recent publications

A different approach to political competition

(Re) Producing healthy people

Minimum Wage and Inequality

Blasphemy is as much political as it is religious

Strength in (European ) Union?

Why does the State want to govern our behaviour?

Algeria Modern. From Opacity to Complexity

The trompe-l’œil of urban segregation

Digital humanities: learning from an experiment

Legal fiction, ideology and global governance

Kick-off: new contracts

The political and social life of identification papers in Africa

Democratizing access to art and culture

Civic life for the most deprived

A new-generation electoral survey

Is the Competitiveness and Employment Tax Credit effective?

When history sheds light on the evolution of an ecosystem

Attractiveness of political parties

Thousand and one ways of being European

Rising stars: young PhDs

“The children of immigrants are not doomed to failure” by Mathieu Ichou

“Being represented at the International Labour Organization” by Marieke Louis

Odd data

European Union legislates less and less

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