by Frédérique Leichter-Flack Not only is Literary fiction a valuable source for history, a repertoire of examples for philosophical reasoning, but it is also a […]
In her latest book, ‘Holy Russia versus the West’ (‘La Sainte Russie contre l’Occident’), CERI research director Kathy Rousselet examines the relationship between the Russian […]
Calls for eco-citizenship and commitment to the energy transition are everywhere. The idea seems obvious: by transforming our individual consumption practices, our modes of transport […]
The influence of Eurosceptics in the European Parliament The invasion of Ukraine has once again brought the issue of European Union enlargement to the fore. […]
by Émilie Biland-Curinier Child Support, a Major Root of Gender Inequality After Parental Separation Marital separations increase economic inequality between women and men. This observation […]
South Africa, former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, post-communist Eastern Europe, post-dictatorship Latin America …: since the 1990s, many countries have had to negotiate a transition from violent […]
After his reference book on the relationship between religion and politics in the French Revolution(1)Lucien Jaume, Le religieux et le politique dans la Révolution française. […]
A group of researchers at the Center for the Sociology of Organisations has recently published a book entitled: The society of organisations (Presses de Sciences […]