As a major and age-old phenomenon, migration is central to research conducted at Sciences Po across all disciplines. To cover this issue is to embark […]
Paul-André Rosental, university professor at Sciences Po’s Centre for History, and associate researcher at the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), devotes his research […]
CEVIPOF research director Manlio Cinalli, a political scientist and sociologist, conducts his research on political behaviour, relations between “ethnicities” and public policies promoting cultural integration. […]
Since 2000, several of our researchers – CEE researchers Nonna Mayer, Vincent Tiberj, and Tommaso Vitale, and CEVIPOF researcher Guy Michelat – have contributed to […]
Mirna Safi, research director at the Sociological Observatory of Change (OSC), studies inequalities and discriminations, especially those affecting immigrant populations and their descendants. The feeling […]
Virginie Guiraudon, a political scientist at the CEE, devotes a significant share of her research to European migratory policies. Her approach is based on an […]
In addition to the wealth of research conducted on migrations in Europe, research covering other regions of the world has created many additional comparison opportunities. […]