Information for Current Students
PSIA students have access to a wealth of information and services in support of your academic studies, your daily life and your extra-curricular interests. Specific support and services are available to students with special needs.
Academic Policies
All important dates appear in the Academic Calendar.
PSIA students are subject to Sciences Po’s Academic Rules and Regulations, including the specific requirements for Master students outlined in Articles 35-45. Please review them carefully, in particular Article 44: Conditions for obtaining the Sciences Po Master degree.
PSIA students should be aware of Sciences Po’s Regulations on Student Life, and pay particular attention to the General Provisions described in Chapter 1 (also available in French).
The Academic Rules and Regulations (Article 12 & 13) and the Academic Integrity Charter emphasise the high standards expected for any academic work (written and oral), and provide details of good practice and support mechanisms to train students regarding best citation practices and to raise awareness about the importance of academic integrity.
All student work much comply with the Academic Integrity Charter.
- Fraud, including plagiarism and falsification, as well as attempted fraud are among the most serious violations of academic integrity
- Anti-plagiarism software is used by PSIA professors. Students are normally required to submit their work in digital format.
- Failure to maintain academic integrity constitutes a fundamental breach of students’ academic duties, leading to pedagogical measures and disciplinary sanctions as detailed in section 5 of the Charter.
PSIA has an established Student Assessment Policy (PDF) relating to the deadlines, extension requests and penalties for late submission of assessed work.
General information
Students and recent graduates may download their official transcripts (in French and in English) directly from their online student space. Please contact the Academic Assistant of your Master's program for any question related to your grades.
Student complaints
Students who are dissatisfied with your experience at PSIA (including complaints about academic decisions; about a person; or about the administration), should first express their concerns to their Academic Advisor, in person or via email. In case this process does not resolve your complaint, or in case of urgent matters, please address your concerns directly to the Vice Dean of PSIA, by email.
Support for Online learning
A guide on distance learning is available to help you understand how the remote pedagogic experience is different from that of traditional learning, and to help students adapt the way you learn and the way you organise your work
All students have an individual secured Zoom account, which allows you to attend online classes and to create virtual meetings to exchange with your classmates. A series of online tutorials is available to explain how to use and take full advantage of your Zoom account.
Online Rules and Regulations
Students must commit to following specific rules when they connect to a remote class, including the need to Respect punctuality, confidentiality, and intellectual property.
These rules are detailed in the Remote Learning Guide on pages 5-6; please read them carefully.
Online Library resources
Sciences Po library offers a wealth of resources online for students who need to review and use online journals, books or reviews. The Library organizes training sessions on how to use the online library services at the start of the academic year. For more information concerning online library resources and services, please visit the Sciences Po library website.
At Sciences Po, every staff member is dedicated to both your academic fulfilment and your personal well being. Your PSIA Academic Advisor is your first point of contact to discuss curricular questions or personal issues. She is able to provide advice and/or connect you with the right service or person.
Sciences Po offers a range of services in support of your daily life including:
- Accommodation
- Bursaries and financial aid
- Health services
- Sexual and Gender-based violence
- Gender Equality
Sciences Po’s Disability Support Service will ensure that any student with a temporary or permanent disability or disabling health condition will receive the necessary support and adjustments to complete your chosen programme and get fully involved in student life
The PSIA Student Association aims to create tight bonds between all PSIA students, by organizing events that will help you get to know each other, as well as allowing you to make the most of their studies in Paris.
Sciences Po offers more than 200 student associations to help students in their personal growth through artistic, athletic and civic activities.