Home>Combatants and the State: Insights from The Central African Republic and Chad

Combatants and the State: Insights from The Central African Republic and Chad
About this event
14 March 2017 from 13:30 until 15:30
Conference within the framework of the Research Group Afrique : citoyenneté, violence et politique
With :
– Louisa Lombard, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Yale University, author of State of Rebellion: Violence and Intervention in the Central African Republic, Zed Book, 2016.
– Marielle Debos, Assistant Professor, Université Paris Nanterre, Institute for social sciences of politics (ISP), Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), author of Living by the Gun in Chad: Combatants, Impunity and State Formation, Zed Book, 2016.
Chair: Sandrine Perrot, Sciences Po-CERI, CNRS