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Campus life at Sciences Po: associations, cultural and sporting activities, events

More than 300 student clubs and associations

Culture, the environment, education, solidarity, discovery, reflection, and debate convey the diversity of the fields in which over 300 clubs and associations are active on a daily basis across our seven campuses.

They offer over 200 activities in more than 60 sporting and artistic disciplines. Sciences Po students can take part in a wide range of sporting competitions, discover or develop an interest in theater, singing, music, writing or cinema thanks to cultural workshops.

2,000 events a year

Compétitions sportives, festivals, concours d’art oratoire, semaines thématiques, créations et expositions : plus de 2 000 événements associatifs font vibrer les campus tous les jours !

Des conférences ont lieu tout au long de l’année avec des figures majeures du monde politique, économique, et académique telles que :

Sports competitions, festivals, public speaking contests, theme weeks, artworks and exhibitions: the 2,000 community events that take place on our campuses enhance campus life every day

Seminars and conferences are held throughout the year with leading figures from the worlds of politics, business and academia such as:

Key Figures

  • 200

    student associations

  • 2000

    students in athletic classes

  • 250

    participants in artistic activities

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