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Culture, Athletics and Associations
At Sciences Po, more than 200 associations help students in their personal growth through artistic, athletic and civic activities.
Attend a public-speaking contest bringing together 600 students in an electrifying atmosphere, have a cup of fair-trade tea in a self-managed cafeteria (FR), listen to Chicago in an amphitheatre (video in French), cheer for your campus's rugby team: at Sciences Po, students' commitment to sports, the arts and student associations adds spice to daily campus life.
These activities are an integral part of the university's educational model, which emphasises accountability, teamwork, public speaking, civic-mindedness and humanism. Sciences Po encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities in order to foster their personal and academic growth.
Every year, more than 200 student associations enliven Sciences Po's campuses in Dijon, Le Havre, Menton, Nancy, Paris, Poitiers and Reims. To discover and support these organisations, join a student union or develop your own initiative, visit the Student life page.
And for those looking to develop their talents or learn new skills, every year Sciences Po offers an extensive catalogue of cultural activities and sports classes in collaboration with the Bureau des Arts (FR) and the Sports Association (FR).
Key Figures
student associations
students in athletic classes
participants in artistic activities