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Dual Bachelor's Degree With Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (Luiss)

A dual BA programme is being offered jointly by Sciences Po and Luiss University. Admission decisions will be made collaboratively by both institutions.

Section #intro

This prestigious and selective programme consists of two years in France on one of Sciences Po’s seven campuses and two years in Rome at Luiss, leading to a dual Bachelor degree.

Section #attendus

Programme expectations

Sciences Po and Luiss offer a prestigious dual curriculum composed of two years in France followed by two years in Rome at Luiss. At the end of their studies, students will be awarded a dual degree at the Bachelor’s level.

For this intensive curriculum, we recruit candidates who:

  • show an excellent academic background.
  • show a strong motivation for social sciences and humanities.
  • are interested in international events and contemporary issues.
  • demonstrate intellectual curiosity, reflection and critical thinking; 
  • show interest in multidisciplinarity. 
Section #procedure


The admissions procedure for this dual degree programme follows Sciences Po’s undergraduate admissions procedure, which consists of four separate but complementary evaluations:

Acceptance to the programme will be determined by a joint Sciences Po - Luiss  dual degree admissions committee.

Section #choix

Programme choice

Applicants graduating from the French secondary school system on the national platform Parcoursup

The application to the dual degree programme constitutes a specific choice on the Parcoursup platform.

Applicants graduating from foreign secondary school systems on the Sciences Po platform.

International candidates must choose the dual degree programme as a first choice in their application form. They must submit their applications before 20 March 2024.

Please note that due to high selectivity, it is recommended that applicants indicate a second choice of a stand alone undergraduate programme at Sciences Po consistent with the campus chosen within the dual degree programme.

Section #entretiens


Applicants graduating from the French secondary school system on the national platform Parcoursup

The interviews will be conducted remotely in English. Candidates will be informed of their interview date & time by email. Interviews will be organized in May 2024.

Applicants graduating from foreign secondary school systems on the Sciences Po platform.

Candidates who meet the requirements for the first 3 evaluations after joint review by Sciences Po and Luiss will be invited to a a specific interview for the dual degree, which is the fourth and final evaluation for admission. 

Interviews will be conducted remotely at the end of April/May 2024. The exact dates will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

Interviews will be conducted in English. The candidate may be asked to answer some questions in French, depending on the campus choice in Sciences Po. 

Section #information

Important information

For this dual degree, the bachelor in Scienze Politique at Luiss is entirely taught in italian. 
You also have the possibility to be enrolled at Luiss in a bachelor in Politics, Philosophy and Economics which is taught in English.

Section #diplomes


Upon successful completion of the programme, candidates will be awarded a Bachelor’ degree both from Sciences Po and Luiss.

At Luiss, students will either receive a Bachelor degree in Scienze Politiche or a Bachelor degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics.

Like any Sciences Po student, graduates will be allowed to enroll in a Sciences Po Master's programme of their choice in compliance with the relevant selection criteria.

Find out more : LUISS, website (Eng.)

Fees & Financial Aid

Limited financial resources are not a barrier to receiving a Sciences Po education.

Nearly one in three students receives a full-fee scholarship.