Home>Undergraduate>Undergraduate Admissions>Evaluation 2: Candidate's academic performance & progress
Undergraduate Admissions, Evaluation 2: Candidate's academic performance & progress
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Our evaluation of the candidate’s academic performance and progress is intended to provide both overview and in-depth insight into their time at secondary school.
Your situation
This phase of evaluation will focus particularly on academic performance demonstrated the last three years of secondary school, as a whole but also year by year.
The evaluation will take the following qualitative aspects into account:
- Your position/ranking relative to your class at each stage of secondary school;
- The consistency of or demonstrated progress in your academic results;
- Your ability to progress and persevere;
- Feedback and comments from teachers at your school (school transcripts and your fiche Avenir, which is directly submitted by your secondary school);
- Your overall academic progress (including any potential specificities relating to your educational background), and how your school ranks within the secondary education system.
In addition, the evaluator will also consider your answers in the “Activities and interests” section, which provide additional elements of understanding of your background.
How is Evaluation 2 examined?
This evaluation, which is based on an in-depth analysis of the candidate’s academic record, is conducted by a secondary school teacher and/or a member of Sciences Po’s academic staff.
Our evaluators have an excellent knowledge of the French secondary education system and the Sciences Po Undergraduate College.
Calculation of your mark
At the end of Evaluation 2, the evaluator awards the candidate a mark out of 20.
Please note: Your secondary school will enter the grades you achieved in première and terminale into Parcoursup directly. You are not, therefore, required to attach academic transcripts for these two years. However, in order to gain a full overview of your progress throughout the lycée, Sciences Po requires you to attach academic transcripts from the seconde to your application as well. This is mandatory.
This phase of evaluation will focus on academic performance throughout the last three years of secondary school. It aims to make an in-depth assessment of the student’s academic performance, their position in the cohort, evidence of hard work, perseverance and improvement, overall progress. The "activities and interests" section will provideadditional elements of understanding of the candidate's background.
This evaluation, which is based on an analysis of the candidate’s academic record, is conducted by a secondary school teacher and/or a membersf the academic staff at Sciences Po. The examiner assesses the application without being aware of the results of Evaluation 1.
Our examiners have an excellent knowledge of foreign systems of secondary education, as well as of the Sciences Po Undergraduate College.
How can I prepare for this evaluation?
Sciences Po seeks to select excellent students, whatever their academic path prior to applying may be. The admissions process at Sciences Po values diversity among applicants and their backgrounds. That means that applications are evaluated holisticaly. Excellence in a candidate’s specialities and chosen subjects is one of the factors taken into consideration. You should therefore choose your subjects on the basis of your own skills, interests and curiosity about the specialities on offer.
We would also advise you to familiarise yourselves with our programmes and curricula, both at the Undergraduate College (Bachelor’s level) and at Master’s level. Whatever subjects and specialities you choose, it is important that you are able to demonstrate an interest in the humanities, social sciences, history and current affairs in the world around you, for example through your personal projects, extra-curricular activities or reading.
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