The political economy of family policy expansion

The political economy of family policy expansion

Fostering neoliberal capitalism or promoting gender equality supporting social reproduction?
Séminaire scientifique OSC, Emanuele Ferragina, 14 septembre 2018
  • Image Shutterstock/ZodiacphotoImage Shutterstock/Zodiacphoto

Séminaire scientifique de l'OSC 2018-2019

98, rue de l'Université 75007 Paris - salle Annick Percheron

vendredi 14 septembre 2018 de 11h30 à 13h

Emanuele Ferragina (OSC - LIEPP)

The political economy of family policy expansion
Fostering neoliberal capitalism or promoting gender equality
supporting social reproduction?


Emanuele Ferragina (OSC)In contrast with the overall trajectory of the welfare state in high-income countries, family policy is expanding rather than retrenching. This expansion constitutes a ‘contingent convergence’ toward higher spending for childcare services and a more egalitarian share of leave among parents. We interpret this evolution in accordance with welfare state and political economy developments as part of two opposite movements. On the one hand, family policy expansion works coherently with welfare state retrenchment to help boost maternal employment in low-service sector jobs. On the other, it reduces mothers’ care-work burden, smoothing the shift from the male breadwinner to the adult worker model. The first movement characterises family policy expansion as another tool to foster neoliberal capitalism and the advent of the Schumpeterian Workfare State, while the second supports working parents in meeting increasing childcare costs, progressively extending the so-called LEGO logic outside Scandinavia. An empirical analysis of the interplay between these two movements – based on the simultaneous expansion of childcare spending and the retrenchment of minimum income guarantees for couples with two children – reveals that the first movement prevails over the second in a large majority of high-income countries.

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