Home>Sciences Po’s Library Is Back in Session

Sciences Po’s Library Is Back in Session
The Sciences Po Library is not only an internationally renowned resource, housing exceptional collections and operating as a network between our seven campuses, it is also, and above all, run by a team of passionate professionals who are committed to offering the most relevant services possible each year to the students, teachers, researchers, employees, and alumni who make up our university and bring it to life.
From searching for documents to compiling a bibliography: a good knowledge of the university library is an important asset in any academic career... find out what's new in 2024 and the comeback of its iconic services.
Two New Media: Bla Blah and CHUT!
- The bilingual Bla Blah newsletter: 6 issues a year to find out all about what's going on at the Library. Subscribe now.
- The “CHUT !” podcast: students have their say on subjects that concern them through discussions, micro-trotters and portraits. On the agenda for the first episode (in French): the delicate and most important subject of mental health.
They Are Back
The Jo in Bibli account: follow Sophie, the Sciences Po librarian Instagrammer,
- Following on from the escape game tours for new arrivals, which have just come to an end, the library is offering specialised training courses for each master's school,
- Training in Zotero software for building bibliographies resumes on 30 September,
- Open Access Month, in November, to learn about open science,
- The Publication Support Workshop returns on 28 November, offering comprehensive support to young researchers – from DOI to thesis publication,
- The Library will be open every Sunday from 9.30am to 8pm from 17 November to 15 December inclusive.
The Library Got You
Following feedback from users, two new features have been introduced:
- Simplified access to all resources: electronic resources are now included in the Catalogue,
- A reduction in the number of seats subject to reservation (in a test phase until December 2024). From now on, only the seats on the 5th floor and the group workrooms in the Saint-Guillaume Library are subject to reservation.