Home>The rights of others: the importance of EU Human Rights foreign policy


The rights of others: the importance of EU Human Rights foreign policy

About this event

18 February 2014 from 19:00 until 20:30

A special conference with guest speakers:

– Stávros LAMBRINIDIS, EU Special Representative for Human Rights

Patrizianna SPARACINO-THIELLAY, French Ambassador at Large for Human Rights, in charge of Holocaust Issues


Moderated by Jeremy PERELMAN, Professor, Sciences Po Law School




Conférence en présence de:

– Stávros LAMBRINIDIS, Représentant Spécial des Droits de l’Homme auprès de l’Union européenne
– Patrizianna SPARACINO-THIELLAY, Ambassadrice pour les droits de l’Homme, en charge de la dimension internationale de la Shoah, des spoliations et du devoir de mémoire

Modération par Jeremy PERELMAN, Professeur, Ecole de droit de Sciences Po

About this event

18 February 2014 from 19:00 until 20:30