Home>7th Summer Macro-Finance Workshop
7th Summer Macro-Finance Workshop
About this event
From 05 July 2016 10:30 to 06 July 2016 15:00
Sciences Po’s Department of Economics is pleased to be hosting the 7th edition of its annual Summer Macro-Finance Workshop.
Gaetano GABALLO (Banque de France)
Erwan QUINTIN (Wisconsin School of Business)
Nicolas COEURDACIER (SciencesPo)
Link to programme (PDF)
If you like to attend, please contact Cathy Benard for registration: cathy.benard@sciencespo.fr
This event is co-sponsored by the Wisconsin School of Business and the Banque de France, with the financial support of the European Research Coucil (ERC), for Nicolas Coeurdacier’s ERC Project INFINHET (FP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement n°336748).
Photo: @M4D GROUP/CC/FlickR