The Sciences Po digital library is online !

The Sciences Po digital library provides access to students, researchers and the public at large with more than 860,000 documents from the library’s collections, Sciences Po’s archives, research centers and the DataViz Library of Sciences Po.

You’ll discover :

  • 4 500 digitized press clippings
  • Books, journals and newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries
  • Maps, diagrams and basemaps
  • The archives of the Ecole libre de sciences politiques (Electoral archives from legislative, presidential and European elections)
  • Dissertations from the Ecole libre des sciences politiques and thesis from the FNSP.


The little extra that makes the difference? Press clipping files! Now available on the digital library even remotely!


Discover all the secrets in the video (French) :

Updated on 01/09/2021

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