From the content of our plates to that of international summits, not to mention fields, the environmental crisis is omnipresent. In response to the gravity […]
In its defense procurement why does the French state choose to pursue both “Made in France” production and international cooperation in Europe and with the […]
Pierre-Emmanuel Guigo, a recent Sciences Po PhD graduate in history, traced Michel Rocard’s relationship to the media in his thesis: “The communication complex. Michel Rocard […]
by Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier, CNRS Research Director at the Science Po Centre for the Sociology of Organizations Have consumers become the new arbiters of economic relations? […]
What are the conflicts in professional relationships in France? What are the open or latent conflicts in the workplace? How are they regulated? These two […]
In a study of sermons made by English preachers in the 17th and 18th centuries, medialab researcher Jean-Philippe Cointet and four sociologists and historians from […]
Sixteen of France’s twenty-one metropolitan regions in 2014 were redrawn in January 2015. In this new context, what is citizens’ relationship to their new region? […]