Recent months have taught us the importance of the formation of choices and the acceptance of political decisions. Two original approaches are applied here to […]
Applying recently developed econometric methods to analyse trade flows in Antiquity may seem bold. It is what Thomas Chaney, a researcher in the Department of […]
by Jean-Noël Jouzel, Jérôme Pelisse (CSO), Catherine Cavalin, Emmanuel Henry (IRISSO) A History of the Lack of Recognition for Occupational Illnesses Occupational illnesses, such as […]
Like mechanization in the 19th century, innovation – and especially digital innovation – is often considered to be a job destroyer. This is not the […]
by Olivier Legros, Céline Bergeon, Marion Lièvre et Tommaso Vitale Generally speaking, the presence of foreigners in precarious situations appears to be a recurring problem […]
Even in democratic systems, governments are able to bypass regular legislative processes. What are the consequences, advantages and risks? To answer this question, Sylvain Brouard […]